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baby massage darlington


Baby Massage


During your pregnancy baby is gently cocooned within the sack of amniotic fluid surrounded by touch along with many other familiar sensations. Once baby is born a new journey has begun in a new and alien environment.

Baby massage helps baby and you through this transitional and often challenging time.

Baby massage offers you time out from busy lives, a time when you can relax and be together.


Benefits of Massage include -

  • Relief can help with many common baby ailments 

  • Interaction promoting bonding and secure attachment

  • Stimulation stimulating baby's internal systems

  • Relaxation helps baby and mum relax 

  • Social Mum and baby benefit from the social aspect of class. 

                                     Baby Yoga
Simple baby yoga exercises compliment the massage and have many health benefits for baby.
Benefits include -
  • Improved sleeping patterns 
  • Aids digestion
  • Develops the vestibular sense which is important for balance and writing skills in later life.
  • Release energy 
  • Enhancing baby's natural abilities
  • Strengthening muscle tone 

Over the course I will take you through a full head to toe massage  routine by introducing a new body part each week .

Over the course we will also look at baby reflexology and how this can benefit baby.

Classes are fun and relaxed with singing and soothing techniques. 

Each session finishes with a herbal tea and time to chat with like minded Mummies in a warm, friendly atmosphere​


Baby massage 4 week blocks are £35 .

£42.50 with Organic Neal's Yard Remedies baby massage oil.

The oil is infused with organic Chamomile & lavender for a super nourishing and relaxing massage together.

Please see timetable for dates. I also offer private group classes and one to one sessions. 


How old must baby be before starting massage?
The recommended age to attend Baby Massage classes is any were from 6 weeks to around 6 - 9 months old..
The best time to attend Loving hands baby massage classes is when you are ready and as the classes are a great way to meet new Mum's on the same journey as you as well as spend quality time with your new baby then they are well worth getting out for...
You can begin baby massage from birth, a simple routine is all you need, the 'resting hands' technique is best for this age. (up to six weeks old) Choose a time when baby is content (never force an unhappy baby) find a quiet spot, get comfortable with baby laid in front of you, draw her in close.
Ensure the room is warm, perhaps put on some relaxing low music and prepare to relax with your baby.
Now you are ready to begin, first ask baby's permission and then take her right leg.
Gently hold her foot in your hands and just allow your hands to cocoon around her foot.
Maintain this gentle yet firm hold and allow baby to feel the warmth and love from your hands.
Next take your hands slowly to her other foot and repeat on the left foot.
When you ready take your attention to her tummy, gently place your palm over the soft part of her tummy and apply a little pressure. You can bring your other hand over too and allow your hands to rest here awhile.
This technique is called laying of the hands and can help sooth wind. The tummy is also thought to be the center of emotions and can sooth baby in this way too.
If baby becomes unsettled then follow her cues (perhaps she is hungry or tired) you can always go back to your massage later when baby is more settled.
This very simple technique is the perfect introduction to baby massage.
  • Loving Hands
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